Digital Marketers Forum

Digital Marketers Forum is a forum and marketplace for digital marketing news, topics, and services. Our resources help users earn money online with current methods and actionable strategies that make more traffic, higher rankings, and online success easier to achieve.

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    What Hobbies Have You Picked Up Recently?

    Mine's Fitness, that's what compelled me to join a fitness marketing agency. I made my hobby into my career.
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    Promoting on Reddit While Still Adhereing th

    You can ask the mods if you can host a giveaway of your product.
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    Does instagram support Pay Per Click?

    I'm not experienced with this, but google says it's around $0.00 - $0.25 per CPC
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    Does instagram support Pay Per Click?

    Yes you can using Facebook Ads Manger.
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    Tips on for Creating Engaging Content for Your Website

    And they can regularly publish content to maintain your readers interest.
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    Tips on for Creating Engaging Content for Your Website

    Writing 101 is creating an engaging introduction to get your reader's attention.
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    Tips for Maximizing Earnings with Affiliate Programs

    Those are some great ideas, I'll try my best to implement those strategies especially offering incentives since I'm still new, I don't have that much credibility to leverage.
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    Tips for Maximizing Earnings with Affiliate Programs

    Thank you for your feedback, I have another question, they say that one of the hardest things in affiliate programs is the conversion rates.
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    Tips for Maximizing Earnings with Affiliate Programs

    I'm new to affiliate programs and would love to get some tips on how to maximize my earning with affiliate programs. If you have experience, what strategies have worked best for you?
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    How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

    I'm also curious, didn't know that you can optimize your website for a better voice search result.
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    How does affiliate program work?

    Correct, they're more likely to spend money in your business if there are tons of positive reviews.
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    How does affiliate program work?

    Review sites like google reviews or tripadvisor are some examples of review site
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    How does affiliate program work?

    What other type of affiliate marketing is there?
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    Does having an affiliate can help grow my connections?

    Or maybe a free trial with all the features for a set amount of time.
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    Does having an affiliate can help grow my connections?

    You should read up on the FTC guideline for stuff like this although I'm also not that well versed in legal matters
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    What is the best eCommerce tool or website for starters?

    That's true Rachel, but you can always start small like finding a niche product that you're the first one to sell on amazon or ebay.
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    What is the best eCommerce tool or website for starters?

    I also recommend using established ecommerce like amazon and ebay, if you're not that interested in creating your own website.
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    What are the positive impact of the evolution of payment processing?

    To add to this, that's why it's important to review the fee structure of every payment method so that you know what you're getting yourself into.
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    What are the positive impact of the evolution of payment processing?

    That's true, they're more likely to spend money if it's convenient for them.
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    Best payment processing for eCommerce Online Store

    You need a need a POS that supports or works with NFC, that's how you just tap your phone to pay for something.