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What Hobbies Have You Picked Up Recently?

Emily Carter

New member
Oct 23, 2024
Reaction score
I hope everyone is doing well. I have some extra time at home lately and I am curious about what hobbies do digital marketers usually have. Feel free to tell us about your hobbies.
Hope you're doing fine Emily, my hobbies since I was a kid is graphic design which is also my main job actually lol.
My hobbies are gaming and anime, picked it up since I was in high school and never looked back.
Mine's Fitness, that's what compelled me to join a fitness marketing agency. I made my hobby into my career.
Currently, I am trying to search or identify a new niche to add on my site. Also experimenting and mixing new ideas to produce.
I just started my journey on this field. Currently, I am reading blogs and forums to understand the uses of SEO, how to maximize it and its pros and cons.
I am fond of reading books now and watching series. When it comes to SEO, I watched videos and reading forums. Those forums really helped understand how and what to start.
I could see myself crafting stories or poems, experimenting with different genres or writing styles. It's always fun to play with words and create narratives something I actually do for you already!
Well I try to learn new stuff as much as possible. I wanted to improve and enhance my skills in digital marketing. Joining such forums like this is a great help for me.
I tend to enjoy and be more creative everyday. Reading and watching videos on my free time helps me be more relax and be active.
I am trying my best to cope up and learn the evolution and modernization of technology. I want to keep updated to the trends on the industry.
I am trying my best to cope up and learn the evolution and modernization of technology. I want to keep updated to the trends on the industry.
Same with you. I think the evolution of technology on the future will really be big. With all the inventions and discoveries, more and more individual will be convinced to be part of internet marketing.
Aside from being an internet marketer and an SEO practitioner, I decided to attend different classes that will help me be more fit.
I enrolled to an open university. I opted to enroll on a program that will help me understand cultures, since I want to travel
Aside from listening to podcasts about SEO and internet marketing, I look for other forums and websites to look for new ideas about internet marketing. Understanding marketing is fun and it provides me new knowledge.